The Local Authority is responsible for admissions to The Links Primary School. The published Admission Number for Reception is 30. If the school is oversubscribed, i.e there are more applications for The Links than places available, places will be allocated in the following order;

  1. Pupils who are in the care of the local authority, or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order.
  2. Children who were previously in care outside England.
  3. Pupils with a Special Education Need who are going through a statutory assessment and who have been identified as needing a ‘named’ mainstream school.
  4. Pupils who have a brother or sister permanently living at the same address, who are still at the school when the pupil begins.
  5. Pupils permanently resident i.e. the address at which the child is registered for child benefit, who expresses a preference for that school, within the admission zone who have returned a Common Application Form by closing date 15th January 2023
  6. Pupils who have exceptional social or medical reasons for attending the school. A letter from the child’s GP or other relevant professional such as a social worker must be submitted by you with the application stating why your child’s needs can only be met by attending the preferred school
  7. Pupils who live closest to a particular school measured in a straight line (“as the crow flies”).

For more information on Stockton admissions please click on the below link: Stockton Admissions