This year your children will be working with lots of staff as part of their Nursery journey. Our class teachers are Mrs Tyerman and Mrs Jones. Working in our classroom we are also lucky to have Mrs Nolan as our teaching assistant.

We also have Mrs Usma who works with the children at dinner times.


The school day starts at 8:45, this is when the Nursery doors will open. Mrs Jones or Mrs Tyerman will greet your child at the door at the start of the session. Mrs Tyerman is in Nursery on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings. Mrs Jones is in Nursery on Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays. The school day ends at 3:30.


“When children are playing and selecting what to do themselves, they become deeply engaged. Whilst this is happening, the adults should be observing and waiting for a moment in which they feel they can make a difference. They should then interact to ‘teach’ the ‘next step’ as appropriate for that unique child at that precise moment. These are the most important and powerful teaching moments”.

Anna Ephgrave – Early Years; Practitioner, Author, Consultant and Trainer

In the moment is viewed as an intuitive approach to the early years foundation stage (EYFS). At The Links we believe in extending a child’s interests as they emerge. We believe that young children do not think ahead, but instead operate ‘in the moment’. ITM is a very simple idea – observing and interacting with children as they pursue their own interests and also assessing and moving the learning on in that moment.

Whilst applying ‘ITM’ we apply three main strategies

  • The Child’s Spark – This is when the child first shows an interest in something
  • The Teachable Moment – The teacher will notice this and approach the child
  • The Documentation – At a later date the observation is documented

Following extensive research and having been on Anna Ephgrave training we feel that this theory best fits our school’s ethos and teaching and learning pedagogy. We truly believe this style of teaching and learning is what makes us at The Links Primary unique and has enabled us to become not only very effective but very passionate ITM practitioners; who can identify ‘teachable moments’ and enhance them into meaningful learning experiences. By scaffolding the children’s learning in this way, we can create memorable learning opportunities ensuring our children are deeply engaged and on task throughout each session.


In Nursery we are always working on our Physical Development both indoors and outdoors. Due to this we have decided to no longer plan set PE sessions so therefore do not require the children to dress in a PE kit.


Please make sure your child has their reading book in their bag every Monday as books will be changed on Mondays.


Your child will be given a Seesaw login which you can access from home. You will be able to see photos of your child’s learning and some of the wonderful things they have done during the week via this. We will also put your child’s chosen reading book on Seesaw. Please make sure you comment on their reading at home. We also love to see some of the wonderful things your child does outside of school, so please add photos on Seesaw for us to see.


As your child is in Nursery, they are entitled to a free healthy snack each day, this consists of fruit and milk. We also recommend your child has a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated throughout the day.


Please remember that all key dates of latest school news can be found on our website. We will continue to update you via Marvellous me and Parent mail if any new dates are added or any dates are changed.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to getting to know you and your children.

Mrs Tyerman, Mrs Jones and Mrs Nolan

If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to ask or email us on nursery@thelinksprimary.org.uk