Welcome to Year 1 we are very excited to start our new curriculum. Teaching in Year 1 is Mrs Barr and Mrs Bamford (Wednesday and Friday).
Our teaching assistant is Miss Abbott.

Check out our Long Term Matrix to see what exciting things we will be learning about this year.


The school day starts at 8:45, this is when the doors to your child’s classroom will open and will close promptly at 8.55. There will be a member of staff at all classroom doors who can pass information on to class teachers. The school day ends at 3:15.


Reading is a high priority in Year 1 and children will be expected to read daily at home. Please evidence your child’s reading on seesaw by either taking a photograph of them reading or write a small comment.  Children will also take part in daily Guided Reading sessions in school using separate books and flash cards games. Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school daily.  There is a book swap box in the classroom and children will be encouraged to choose a book to take home and share with parents.


Children will be given spellings on a Monday through Spelling Shed and taught spelling rules and patterns throughout the week. We ask that children practise their given spellings over the week, ready to be tested the following Monday.


PE takes place on a Tuesday and a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit or tracksuit. Kit consists of; a school t-shirt, navy/black shorts, trainers. Children will also need a jumper and jogging bottoms as the weather becomes colder.  Initially PE will be outside, weather permitting.


As your child is in Year 1, they are entitled to a free healthy snack each day. We also recommend your child has a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated throughout the day.


Year one children are expected to complete daily reading and learn weekly spellings.


We use MarvellousMe to keep you up to date with your child’s special awards and class news. The office will email you newsletters and forms to keep you up to date.


Please remember that all key dates can be found on our website. We will continue to update you via Arbor if any new dates are added or any dates are changed.

If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to ask or email us on

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to getting to know you and your children.