Hello, I’m Mrs. Cain and I am the teacher in Year 2.There are lots of staff who support our learning in Year including; Mrs Abbott, Mrs Seymour and Miss Frame. We also have the pleasure of Mrs Reilly who teachers Year 2 on a Thursday Morning.


The school day starts at 8:45, this is when the doors to your child’s classroom will open. There will be a member of staff at all classroom doors who can pass information on to class teachers. The school day ends at 3:15.



PE is every Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. Children need to come into school dressed in their school PE kit, navy shorts, joggers or leggings, white t-shirt and navy hoody. We always try to do PE outdoors when we can so please can children make sure they are dressed for the weather we have.


All children should have a school reading book now, they need to bring their book into school every day, even if they haven’t read at home that evening, this is because we try to read with the children as much as possible. School books are changed weekly, on a Monday. Reading is such an important skill that is transferrable to all subjects across the school and it is vital that children are listened to and questioned about what they have read. Please try and read with your child as much as you can. Reading at home needs to be recorded on Seesaw so that we can keep track of how often your child is reading.


Children will receive their 10 spellings on a Friday, these will be assigned on Seesaw and Spelling Shed. Spelling tests will be on the following Friday morning. Spelling Shed is an amazing tool to help the children learn their spellings. Children should be practicing their spellings every day, there is more information about how to practices spellings at home with this pack.


The proud cloud is a positive influence on the class, children can earn their place on the proud cloud by demonstrating one of our learning powers or by demonstrating excellence.


I use Marvellous Me regularly to send messages and reminders as well as to let you know when your child/children are doing particularly well with a project or activity in school, including Star of the Week, Writer of the Week and Mathematician of the Week. I also on a Friday send a badge to the children that gained full marks on their spellings that week.


The children need to using TTRockstars to be practising their times tables, which are very important to learn this year.


If you have any questions or queries throughout the year please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can contact me through the school telephone number and leave a message and I will get back to you.  Alternatively, you can email me on:


I check this email address daily and strive to get back to you as soon as I can.


Let us hope we all have a fantastic memorable year!

Best Wishes


Mrs. Cain