This year your children will be working with lots of staff as part of their Year 2 journey.
Our class teacher is Mrs Hutchinson.
Working in our classroom we are also lucky to have Miss Frame who is our teaching assistant every morning.
We also have Mrs Reilly, who will be teaching the children handwriting, PE and PSHE on Monday.
The school day starts at 8:45, this is when the doors to your child’s classroom will open. There will be a member of staff at all classroom doors who can pass information on to class teachers. The school day ends at 3:15.
The children read every day as part of individual or guided reading activities. This year we are teaching guided reading on a 2-week cycle using a VIPERS approach. VIPERS stands for vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and sequencing. Children should be able to read 90% of the book confidently and fluently before moving book bands. Reading at home is so important in helping the children to make progress and apply the skills they have learnt at school – please update Seesaw with your child’s reading progress. Books will be given out on a Friday and should be returned the following Friday.
Spelling rules/patterns are taught to children weekly. They will bring spellings using that rule, home to learn, along with 2 common exception word spellings (tricky words). The children will be tested on those spellings the following Friday
The Seesaw app will be used for communication and home learning. It will also be used for remote learning if needed. We also use the Marvellous Me! App to keep you informed about some of the wonderful things the children have achieved during each week.
Kit consists of; a school t-shirt, navy/black shorts, trainers. Children will also need a jumper and jogging bottoms as the weather becomes colder. Please send your child in full PE kit on PE days. This year our P.E days are on a Monday and Thursday.
As your child is in Year 2, they are entitled to a free healthy snack each day. We also recommend your child has a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated throughout the day. They will be able to keep this on the bench in the classroom. Due to lack of space, children will only be able to keep water bottles on tables if there is a medical need that we are made aware of.
Please remember that all key dates of latest school news can be found on our website. We will continue to update you via Marvellous me and Parent mail if any new dates are added or any dates are changed.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to getting to know you and your children.
Thank you
Mrs Hutchinson
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to ask or email us on
If it is urgent, please contact the school office.