This year your children will be working with lots of staff as part of their Year 6 journey. Our class teacher is Miss Barron, who is also responsible for Mathematics, social media and School Ambassadors in our school. Working in our classroom we are also lucky to have Miss Spence as our teaching assistant.
Mrs Reilly teaches the children on a Thursday afternoon. We also have specialist teachers who will be teaching Music on a Tuesday afternoon.
School Day
The school day starts at 8:45, this is when the doors to your child’s classroom will open. There will be a member of staff at all classroom doors who can pass information on to class teachers. The school day ends at 3:15.
The proud cloud is a positive influence on the class, children can earn their place on the proud cloud by demonstrating one of our learning powers or by demonstrating excellence.
I use Marvellous Me regularly to let you know when your child is doing particularly well or to share photos or videos of our learning.
We have weekly certificates for ‘Star of the Week’, ‘Writer of the Week’ and ‘Mathematician of the Week’. I will also award certificates to children who read at home and have shown this on ‘Seesaw’.
We love reading in Year 6! All children have a school reading book. They need to bring their book into school every day, even if they haven’t read at home that evening, this is because we try to read with the children as much as possible. Reading at home is important in helping the children to make progress and apply the skills they have learnt in school so please try and read with your child as much as you can. Reading at home needs to be recorded on Seesaw so that we can keep track of how often your child is reading. Certificates are given at the end of each week to celebrate children who have read at home.
A spelling rule is taught weekly and the children will access another four lessons focusing on the rule and applying it within the week. They will be tested on all 10 words on a Friday. Spellings are given out on Seesaw every Friday. Spellings are very important and we encourage children to do their best they can to learn them. Each week challenges will be set on Ed Shed for the children to play to help them practise in an engaging way.
Times tables are extremely important. Children need to be able to recall multiplication and division facts for all times tables. Please practise these at home regularly. All children have access to Times Table Rockstar and this is a fantastic tool to helping them learn and recall their tables.
In Year 6 PE is every Wednesday and Friday afternoons. This year we will continue to come into school in our sports clothes on PE days and lessons will be outside as much as possible. Kit consists of; a school t-shirt, navy/black shorts, trainers. Children will also need a jumper and jogging bottoms as the weather becomes colder. We also recommend your child has a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated throughout the day.
Playtime Snack
As your child is in Key Stage 2, they are allowed to bring a healthy snack for playtime. This can be either a piece of fruit or vegetable. We also recommend your child brings a water bottle to school, so they can stay hydrated throughout the day.
Year 6 SATs
As your child is in Year 6, they will sit official SATs in: Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG tests) and Maths. They will also be assessed by their teachers in Science, speaking and listening and writing. In 2025, Year 6 SATs week will take place on the week beginning Monday 12th May 2025. The SATs tests will take place throughout the week, starting on Monday 12th and ending on Thursday 15th May. We will be sending more information about SATs closer to the time. Please try to avoid your child being off school during this period.
- Monday 12th May 2025 – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1 & 2
- Tuesday 13th May 2025 – Reading Paper
- Wednesday 14th May 2025 – Mathematics Arithmetic Paper 1 and Mathematics Reasoning Paper 2
- Thursday 15th May 2025 – Mathematics Paper 3
Please remember that all key dates of latest school news can be found on our website. We will continue to update you via Marvellous me and Parent mail if any new dates are added or any dates are changed.
If you ever have any queries or concerns throughout the year do not hesitate to contact me. This can be done by telephoning the school office and leaving a message, catching me on the Year 6 door on an evening after school and through the Year 6 email address, which I check daily.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to getting to know you and your children.
Miss Barron