This year your children will be working with lots of staff as part of their Early Years journey. Our class teacher is Mrs Kay, who is Art and DT lead and Early Years Lead. Working in our classroom we are also lucky to have Mrs Nolan, Mrs Read and Miss Hugill as our teaching assistants.
School Day
The school day starts at 8:45, this is when the doors to your child’s classroom will open. Please help your child hang up their coat and bag and ensure your child is passed over at the small door to Mrs Kay. The school day ends at 3:15.
Curriculum Important information
- Autumn 1: Getting to know me
- Autumn 2: Into the Woods
- Spring 1: Winter /Arctic
- Spring 2: Superheroes
- Summer 1: Lifecycle
- Summer 2: Summer Holidays and transport
Although we may be a small school, we want our pupils to have big ambitions and high expectations of themselves. We are an outward looking school, with a strong sense of community and we aim to create a curriculum that truly meets the needs of our children. It’s our children’s voices that we want to drive and shape that curriculum; a rich, exciting and balanced curriculum which enables each individual child to develop academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Our curriculum will enable the children to share ideas, express their opinions and apply knowledge and skills learned in a wide range of meaningful contexts. It will offer opportunities for all children to investigate, question, debate and challenge. It will enable all children to flourish and to be the very best they can be.
To support the implementation of our vision we will create:
- A stimulating environment for developing inquisitive, independent and resilient lifelong learners who work hard and strive for excellence
- A culture of working independently and collaboratively, where we see getting something wrong as part of learning how to get it right
- An ethos where all children are encouraged and supported and challenge is fully embraced
- Exciting and challenging opportunities to promote our children’s personal development and understanding of their own emotional and physical wellbeing
- Opportunities for our children to see that they can Dream, Believe and Achieve
Reading books are changed every Monday. Your child will receive a book to share for enjoyment. When your child is ready they will bring home a book to phonetically decode.
Observations of your child will sometimes be sent home via Seesaw so that you can see what your child has been getting up to in school.
We love to hear how children have been learning at home and we can use this information towards making assessments about your child’s progress through the Early Years Curriculum. Wow certificates have been sent home via email.
We regularly use the Marvellous Me! App to keep you informed about some of the wonderful things the children have achieved during each week. Make sure you have a log in (available from the office) so that you can receive your child’s Marvellous Me! notifications.
Check out Snappy maths, Top marks or Phonics Play for interactive educational games.
Kit consists of; a school t-shirt, navy/black shorts, trainers. Children will also need a jumper and jogging bottoms as the weather becomes colder. Please send your child in full PE kit on PE days. This year our P.E day is on Friday in addition to this we access physical activities daily in the Early Years area.
Forest School
This will be every Monday please bring wellies and a coat as your child will access this area in all weathers. The Forest School activities take place in natural settings, where children can engage in hands-on experiences and learn through play, exploration, and discovery. Forest School sessions may include mud kitchen, planting, wand making, shelter-building, nature walks, and games.
Playtime Snack
All the children are entitled to a free healthy snack each day and children under 5 will receive free milk. We also recommend your child has a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated throughout the day.
Please remember that all key dates of latest school news can be found on our website. We will continue to update you via Marvellous me and Parent mail if any new dates are added or any dates are changed.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to getting to know you and your children.
From The Early Years Team.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to ask or email us on