Welcome to Year 3!

This year your children will be working with lots of staff as part of their Year 3 journey. Our class teacher is Mrs Mitchell, who is also KS2 lead and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Working in our classroom we are have Miss Frame who is our teaching assistant, Mrs Reilly who will be teaching the children on Monday mornings and Mrs Seymour who will be teaching on Tuesday afternoons.  In addition to that we have specialist teachers who come in to teach Music and French.


The children read every day, in school, as part of individual or guided reading activities. However, reading at home is also important in helping the children to make progress and apply the skills they have learnt in school – please use ‘Seesaw’ to record pictures or videos or comments about your child’s reading.  You can encourage your child to add these themselves.

Proud Cloud

The children help to choose the target for the ‘Proud Cloud’ from our ‘Links Learning Powers’ and the aim is to get everyone’s names up on the cloud by the end of the week.


We also have weekly certificates for ‘Star of the Week’, ‘Writer of the Week’ and ‘Mathematician of the Week’.  I will send out a congratulations badge on ‘Marvellous Me’ to let you know who they are.


P.E. currently takes place on Monday morning and Thursday afternoon.  The children need to come dressed for P.E. (white top and navy bottoms), making sure it’s suitable for outdoor as well as indoor activities, for example, old clothing for cold/muddy conditions.


Children will receive their spellings on a Friday, these will be assigned on ‘Ed Shed’.  I will not be handing out paper copies of spellings so please make sure your children log in to ‘Ed Shed’ to complete the spelling games and learn their spellings. Spellings will be tested on the following Friday morning.

Time Tables

Times tables are extremely important. Children need to be able to recall multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Please practice these at home regularly. All children have access to ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and this is a fantastic tool to helping them learn and recall their tables. https://ttrockstars.com/

Break Time Snack/Water

KS2 – can bring in a healthy snack – fruit/veg only. I also strongly encourage your child has a water bottle in school to keep them hydrated throughout the day

Marvellous Me

I use ‘Marvellous Me’ to send messages and reminders as well as to let you know when your child/children are doing particularly well with a project or activity in school, including ‘Star of the Week’, ‘Writer of the Week’ and ‘Mathematician of the Week’.


I use ‘Seesaw’ regularly to add photographs of the activities your child/children have been involved in.  I also encourage the children to record their reading on ‘Seesaw’ in the Home Reading folder.


Please remember that all key dates of latest school news can be found on our website. I will continue to update you via Marvellous me and Parent mail if any new dates are added or any dates are changed.


If you have any questions or queries throughout the year please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can contact me through the school telephone number and leave a message and we will I back to you.
Alternatively, you can email me on
I will check this email address daily and get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you for your continued support and we are all looking forward to getting to know you and your children.
Mrs Mitchell, Miss Frame, Mrs Reilly and Mrs Seymour.